Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Great Lies Of Management

Just was going through the FM daily quotes.. this ones are true lies :).. from scott adams (father of Dilbert )

1. Employees are the most valuable asset.
2. I have an open-door policy.
3. You could earn more money under the new plan.
4. We're re-organising to better serve our customers.
5. The future is bright.
6. We reward risk-takers.
7. Performance will be rewarded.
8. We don't shoot the messenger.
9. Training is a high priority.
10. I haven't heard any rumours.
11. We'll review your performance in six months.
12. Our people are the best.
13. Your input is important to us.
- Scott Adams

- Saravana Kumar ( Since 1976)

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