Sunday, April 11, 2010

Science Revisited

Its again a good gap since I have posted one. Here I am back alone and got time to open this blog. Now a days I am again back into the olden days when I have been so attached to the science and inventions.

Even though I have not invented anything worthy, some time I felt that some one made it big with my thoughts :)
One example is the concept "The Matrix".
During my college days (1993-95) I managed to assemble a FM radio that connects to hand made speakers (managed to stick normal magazine cover as vibrating material and handmade coil). But in the night before sleep I used to connect them to the ear-plug and hear local radio songs. I always hated wearing ear-plug, which normally does not fit properly or painful.

I was imagining of a input audio to brain instead of through ear, why cant we make a electronic connection with the nerve system (so avoid analogue ear drum :) ), which can balance between the external audio connection and our natural ears. I thought this will be same for video directly connecting with the video nerves. Wired is it ?

Just imagine your life with out our 5 senses. Can you imagine you cant see, hear, taste, sense and smell. What would the world looks like ? Nothing right ? So, now bypass all our natural sensors (eye, ears, nose, tongue and skin) and connect a controlled computer output, which would be making our virtual reality a reality.

My thoughts were the concept for the movie "The Matrix" which got released when I was working in Pune (In 1999). I really surprised to see it on movie which I was always thinking about directly connecting to brain.

Now also still I am awaiting a wireless device connected to brain embedded in our skin, which will connect with a bluetooth device... This is just to avoid having ear plugs and TV/Mobile/Computer screens ;) let me hope this will be reality soon....

- Saravana Kumar (Since 1976)

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