Monday, February 07, 2011

What is the problem really ?

I was thinking about the problems we face globally challenging us and lot of money and energy spent on. These are my thoughts on what is our real problem and what is not.

The problem is not we are able to make a robot with human intelligence
The problem is we are not able to use the human intelligence available 

The problem is we are not able to build buildings taller than 1000 meter
The problem is we are not able to provide 1 meter tall shelter to all human

The problem is not that my neighbour country is killing my people and need huge military
The probelm is that we have our own people killing our own people

The problem is not that we have AIDS kiiling 200 K people and we are not able to find anti virus
The problem is that we have 10 Million infant death with all available medicines

The problem is not that we are not able make a rocket @ speed of light
The problem is that we are not able make a plane with no accident

The problem is not that we are not able to make mars livable 
The problem is that we are not able to make earth livable peacefully

- Saravana Kumar (Since 1976)

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