Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Fear of Failure !!

Yesterday I was having a long conversation with my best friend about the depression and failure. Actually it was more of a advice than a discussion :) But really she made my day. So no guess its dedicated to her. Here are some interesting over looks from the conversation. The entire thing is to tell how to overcome failure and fear of failure then to be sucessful.

My first question was "What is that extra the successful persons having than the one who just lives to die ? ". First thing is "passion" as I said it earlier. Still, it was a long debate that there are lots of other things which makes a person successful. Apart from all those reasons, onething which is commonly found is the courage to do things. This can be interpreted as Fear of Failure for unsucessful/unhappy people as fear or Fear of Failure.

When I searched my small memory, I found its true that I was happy ( even it failed) whenever I dared and did something( may be knowingly or unknowingly ). If you watchout carefully, you can see what I am saying is true.

Every time we fail, its not really a failure. It is just the feedback ( Quote from Robert Allen). The true failure is one, when we stop trying again just because we failed in the last attempt or just stop doing even before attempting it.

Buckminster Fuller wrote, "Whatever humans have learned had to be learned as a consequence only of trial and error experience. Humans have learned only through mistakes." The failures really gives us opertunity or tells that what we did wrong. This is called learning from the failure.

Then I asked "How to get out of this fear ? " The first thing on the cards was the positive thinking. I think I can do another publish only on this positive thinking, because it does real wonders. It is always good to plan what to do in case of failure, than just thinking only about failure. This will really increases the fear makes it more complicated. As a -ve thinker (:P), I came up with a question "what if one become over confidence or jerk ?". The answer came from my friend was "There is nothing called over confidence, If some one is telling, that he/she is over confidence or jerk, It should be a result of pure jelosy than anything else."

Another good one is that always we tend to take or attach failure to ourself or to a person. Failure actually is a feedback of what you did than what you are. If you really relate any failure with the actions or the way you did, It is going to reveal more opertunity to suceed in the next try.

Apart from all these thoughts, the first step is just taking actions than thinking about it.

- Saravana Kumar ( Since 1976)

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