Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Light up life with passion !!!

Have you ever wondered, "Why am I living here ?". Then you are living a life with no passion, which is a life which is dark and torpid.

To get life active, passion is very much important. It is the key to a successful and happy life. All having ambition and dreams always not achieve or been happy on what they did. It is true that, people with passion have achieved their ambitions and and a happy life than one with none.

Once Ms Sudha Murthy, President Infosys foundation was giving interview about her husband Narayan murthy and her own success, She said, "We just had Passion and knowledge than any other business background or people connections to achieve what are now".

Adding some emotion and positive thoughts to whatever one do andwill make them a passionable. It is like adding a pinch of salt, which makes all the difference in the taste of a food. You can feel the difference, when you add passion to every simple thing you do.

So, just find passion within yourself and start applying it on everything you do, you will feel that your life started glittering with new bright lights.

- Saravana Kumar ( Since 1976)

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